Muni Leagues


Schenectady Municipal Golf Course hosts League play Monday-Friday 3:00–5:45pm

We have leagues every weekday and at every skill level of play.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Just B Doug Sager TIPO Renna CYC Realty
Par & Bar Memorial Muni Grille Hibernians Couples
Sam Pagano Memorial League Welding Products MAC City Hall Stoneys Irish Grill
LPGA Bent Irons Stator Frame Dirty Birdies Maqua
Knights of Columbus Diamonds in the Rough Sandbaggers Dutch Masters LPGA
Building 16 QCA Handicappers CW Players Top Flighters
VanVranken GE Lab Mohawk Lady Birds Niagra Mohawk Best Fitness
ADO Oakridge Club Mad Jack Brewing Renegades
Where’s Waldo Marino’s Flying Pizza
Grip it & Sip It Bugundi
Schenectady Municipal Golf Course

400 Oregon Avenue

Schenectady, New York

(518) 382-5155

[email protected]